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about me
Chizuru Takeuchi








客室乗務員として10年間勤務。その後企業で書類作成やスケジュール管理などのアシスタント業務を行う傍ら、 航空業界以外に通用するスキルは何か、 夢中になれることは何かと問う毎日でした。答えは意外にも日々の生活の一部でとても身近にある「食」でした。




たわわに実ったキュウリやトマトの青臭い香りや丸かじりした時のみずみずしさ、 梅を丁寧に一つずつ返しながら天日干しする祖母のとなりで変化する梅干の味比べや、大量に果物を収穫した年はジャムを作ったりと、手伝いをしながら四季折々の新鮮な恵みをいただけたことが今の私の味覚形成につながりました。


私は料理を作るとき常に食材の相性を考えています。 自然の産物がもつ複雑な味の重なりは何通りも組み合わせることができ、様々な料理に展開できる楽しさがあります。 旬の食材の持ち味を引き出す調理をすれば栄養効果も高く、味のある料理が作れます。今後も日々の食卓が楽しみになるような料理を作り続けたいと思います。


"TASTelation" is a combination word of "taste" and "happiness"; and it's a concept for enjoying my cooking style. When you cook for someone and eat with them, the experience brings you "elation". I truly believe that eating delicious food should be a long-lasting moment of people, and places, and everything else that becomes a memorable feeling.


I was born in Gunma prefecture, Japan. I worked for ten years as a flight attendant. After "graduation", I worked for a couple companies as an assistant making documents and managing schedules and so forth. During the time I was also asking myself what skill I could acquire; what makes me passionate. I realized that what I was looking for was right under my nose! In 2014, I obtained a Food Coordinator Certificate at the Sukenari Yoko Cooking Art Seminar. Since then, I never looked back! 


I grew up eating family garden vegetables and fruits. While helping my family with the seasonal harvest, my taste buds developed an appreciation for the curiosity of the combination of ingredients. For example, I remember the grassy aromas while biting into the crisp bitterness of freshly harvested cucumbers and juicy tomatoes.  I also recall helping my grandma prepare dried Japanese plums in the garden for pickling (umeboshi) - I would very frequently "check" the taste of the plums she flipped one by one. The process of seeding, juicing, and prepping the fruits of the harvest for making jams with my family remains a precious memory. 


I've always loved experimenting and creating food pairings in the kitchen. Natural Ingredients have complex flavors that can be combined in various ways to develop many recipes. Approaching ingredients correctly results in best tasting meals that are beneficial for our health. TASTelation is about the enjoyment of day-to-day meals. 

​It's better to eat with someone!



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